Heartland Christian Camps

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There can be many worries when it comes to praying; am I saying the right words, am I focused enough, am I even allowed to ask for that? I know I have felt those worries and others that seem to make prayer into a duty and stressor in my life instead of it being a conversation with Jesus. I know I must try to grow in prayer, the opportunity to talk to the living God is too good to be missed! What better way to begin praying than beginning with your children? Together you can grow in knowing what a life with Jesus is about.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1) Newspaper Prayer. Try this idea at the beginning of the day as you're eating breakfast. Have each family member take a portion of the newspaper and circle items that he or she feels need to be prayed for. Then ask family members to pray for the things they circled in the paper.

2) Sentence Prayer. You can help your children pray aloud by giving them a sentence to complete, such as:

  • "Lord, I thank you for …"

  • "Lord, forgive me for …"

  • "Lord, help my friend …"

  • "Lord, help me be more …"

  • "Lord, help me to let go of …"

  • "Lord, give me the courage to …"

  • Lord, one of the fears I need help with is …"

3) Highs and Lows. Ask your children what their "highs" were from the day, and then ask them about their "lows" from the day. Share your highs and lows as well, and then pray for them together.

4) Prayer Journal. Share your prayer requests with the other members of your family and then record them in a prayer journal. One person can pray for all the requests you've listed for the day. The next time you pray together, look over the requests you listed previously and update any changes and answers. This is a good way to see how God has been active in your prayer lives.

5) A.C.T.S. Prayer. This is a well-known form of prayer that is easy to remember:

  • A stands for “adoration.” Begin the prayer by simply adoring God for who God is.

  • C stands for “confession.” Spend some time confessing your short comings.

  • T stands for “thanksgiving.” Take time to thank God for the blessings that He has given to you and your family.

  • S stands for “supplication.” Lift up specific areas of your life in which you need God to supply for your needs.

Written by: Jared Briscoe