Heartland Christian Camps

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The Wait is Almost Over

Christmas is just few days away which means the wait for the birth of Jesus is almost over.  We have a lot to be excited for; a break from school or work, gift giving and receiving, Christmas Eve church services, reconnecting with old friends, time with family and celebrating family traditions.  For me, I am the most excited to see my family.  Christmas at my home involves having Mexican food for dinner on Christmas Eve, opening presents on December 23rd and usually seeing a movie in theaters on Christmas day.  (Comment below this post with your favorite tradition.  We’d love to hear from you!)  The week after Christmas, we have a more serious tradition that involves every member of my family filling a large bag of things we no longer use or need and then we donate it to people who could find a better use for it.  I know for my siblings and I, this was always a reality check of the many blessings we do have and how we need to be thankful for those.  Giving is a great way to live with a little less, so others can live with a little more.


So what happens after Christmas? What do we have to look forward to and be excited for?  God sent His Son at Christmas to save the lost, but there is more.  His second coming will be even bigger and greater than His original coming at Christmas.  Revelation 21:3-4 reads “and I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.  He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.’”  This is exciting.  Jesus second coming will take away the pain of the world.  There will be no death, mourning or crying.  I cannot begin to fathom a world without hurt and the thought excites me.  Personally, I am thrilled for this event.  Along the same lines, Revelation 1:7 says “Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wait on account of him.”  We will all be there together, as a community to see His arrival.   


We have the opportunity to wait on the Lord and prepare for His coming.  It is important to stay excited all the time and anticipate His arrival, the wait is almost over.  Take time this holiday season spending time with loved ones, being in the Word and pursuing God as we wait in hope for Him to come back.






How can you share God’s love with others as a family?  Are there any traditions your family does or could start to share the love of God?

As the Christmas season comes to a close take some time to be in community with others; bake cookies for a neighbor, call extended family (cousins, grandparents), volunteer at a food bank, donate gifts to local foster children or invite new friends over for dinner.

 Celebrate family by making this hand/footprint Christmas wreath!


Merry Christmas!

Emily Henry