Heartland Christian Camps

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Hey party people!

I don't know if any of us have said it enough, but THANK YOU.  Thank you for keeping us in your prayers and supporting us.  We have made it to Israel.  It's still sinking in how crazy that is.

Eighteen hours of travel can make for some pretty tired travelers, so we are thankful to be at the hotel, in Jerusalem.  We started the day in Chicago and flew ten hours to Istanbul. The picture above is of the interns watching the sunset over the city.  We were in Istanbul for about two hours, and were fortunate enough to have our gate very close to where we were hanging out. 

It is pushing 1am here, so I am headed to sleep.  Tomorrow, we will be hiking around eleven miles and I cannot wait to see the Bible come to life.

Thank you all for keeping us in your prayers.  Goodnight!

Emily Henry, Heartland Intern