Heartland Christian Camps

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Week 9: Horse Camp

Its week nine here at heartland camp. Week nine is a special time to be out here. This is the last week of typical camp, next week brings a special camp and very different routine. So week nine we all strive to make it the best, we try and savor every moment and really dig deep into what camp is all about.

Week nine is my jam, and I always aim for directing the last middle school horse camp of the summer. This group tends to be big, wild, energetic, and just the right amount of chaos. They are wild about helping one another, learning and caring for their horses and they know how to have fun. And they worship big.


So  far they have swam in the pool, been to the archery range, worked together to conquer the challenge course, they have hammocked out under the stars cooked their own food on a campfire, and they have ridden their horses everyday.  They not only ride their horses, they groom them, tack them and learn about their care. They form bonds with these great big animals that are so very gentle. My favorite part of at the end of this week is seeing how they have learned from their horses.

Today  they are off to visit Stonecrest farms, home to an amazing couple who invite these kids to their house and thoroughbred race horse farm. The Reeds love on our horse campers every summer and they get a lot of love in return. The campers get to see another barn (hopefully) full of baby horses, and they get to learn about horse first aid and possibly get to meet some of Kansas City's mounted police.

By the the time you come to pick up your campers they will have had an amazing week, they will be happy, tired, probably a bit dirty and sweaty, and they will be hungry.  They will have worked hard, played hard, loved hard, and worshiped hard. And they will want to tell you about it, so be prepared for lots of stories and tales about week nine.