Heartland Christian Camps

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Week 9: Hydro Camp

Welcome to Hydro Camp!

Let me introduce myself- I am Meg Shadid. I grew up going to camp at Heartland and was on staff here in college. I also traveled and worked at a different summer camp. But I couldn't stay away from Heartland. I have been directing for 2 summers and I absolutely adore the campers this week. 

We are having a great week at Highlander Hydro camp! We have officially named ourselves the Scuba Dabbers and we all have our own unique dab. You will have to ask your camper what their special dab was when they get home!

Our highlights of the week so far have been: horseback riding, doing the slip and slide, practicing our archery skills and swimming as many times a day as we can. We are looking forward to canoeing later this week!

Our group has bonded really quickly and it's so much fun to see how our campers take care of each other and include each other. This week, we have been learning about how God created each one of us for a purpose, and how much God loves each one of us.

Our campers have had great questions about God and we are so honored to have the opportunity to talk about their faith with them. It's been amazing to see their curiosity each day during our bible studies and worship services. We have a very special group of campers this week and want to thank you for sharing them with us!