Heartland Christian Camps

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Week 10: Middle School Outpost

Middle School Outpost is loving their time living and growing together at Valley View. The nights have been a little unseasonably chilly but, snug in their sleeping bags in the cozy wilderness cabins – the campers hardly notice the chill! And if they do happen to notice, there is nothing like waking up and heading outside to a cozy campfire!

The campers have for sure honed their wilderness cooking skills this week. Sunday’s dinner was a great learning experience and since then things have only gotten better! We are now able to cook stir-fry, biscuits, scrambled eggs, and pork chops – all over a camp fire!  They are doing so well with their cooking that they challenged some back up staff in an Iron Chef type baking challenge.  They came up with some pretty delicious desserts!

Tonight, the kids had a great time playing a brand new night game! Working as a team, they had to find clues to unlock a lock box, then use the clues in the lock box to free a hostage! It was so fun to see them working together and finding success.

Wilderness is such a great time for kids to just hang out. They are away from electronics and the pressures that school can bring. It is amazing to see what transpires when these things are removed from their life for a while. The kids have never once complained about being bored – they are so creative in the ways they find to fill their time.  The conversation can get deep, the laughter is frequent, and God’s love is abundantly clear.

Suzanne Whitt, Middle School Outpost Director