Heartland Christian Camps

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Building Faith All Year

A week at Heartland Camp is all about faith development. Building faith through Bible studies, horseback rides, new camp friendships, and college-aged counselors. Nothing makes us more excited than when a camper ends a week with a new hunger for God.

Faith is more than one week, your child will need faith to be a priority year round. That can be really intimidating, not many parents are trained in faith development. It may be in that parent handbook that has all the answers, though I can’t be sure, I’m not a father yet.

The good news is that your child doesn’t need you to be a great spiritual leader or have the Bible memorized. They need someone to explore faith with. Here are a couple starting points for your family’s faith development.

Make It A Family Goal

The activities below are good, but what makes them great is participating together. Getting the everyone involved deepens the trust and openness of your family. Allowing for vulnerable conversations where you and your child’s relationship with Jesus can flourish.


Get Active in Your Church

Most churches have a youth group or children's group. Participate in Church functions, small groups, softball games, mission trips, and events planned outside the sanctuary. Although the events may be youth focused, there is always room for parents to volunteer.

These activities expand faith development in your child because it gives them access to their brothers and sisters in Christ, providing a community where they can ask questions and feel safe. Your presence there, either participating or volunteering, shows that faith is something that is important for you as well, giving your child a role model in faith.

What is Going on in the Community?

Most churches actively volunteer for several community services. These opportunities are essential faith development for your child, as they watch the body of Christ spread the love of Christ through actions and giving back. It is counterintuitive, but when people serve others they experience the love of God.

If your church doesn’t have volunteer opportunities that match your schedule, look online. Volunteer Match has many local volunteer opportunities sorted by area of interest.

Home Activities

Activities at home with family may prove to be the best activities to build their faith. Family devotionals provide a time set aside for you and your child to read, study, and discuss the Bible together. Praying together gives your child the opportunity to share what is really on their mind, both joys and concerns, and give it to God.

Summer Camps

God does amazing things through summer camp ministry. I have seen it time and again personally and now national research shows that Christian summer camp has a long term faith development impact.

Consider if a week at Heartland Summer Camp fits into your child’s faith development. There are day camp programs in Olathe and Parkville for campers K-6 and Overnight Camps for campers K-12. Contact a director with questions or to set up a tour.

Written By: Jared Briscoe