Heartland Christian Camps

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Get Out & Play: Fun Activities for the Whole Family!

We all know how easy it is to get caught up in the media and culture of our world today. For our children, it is even easier. Daily, sometimes minute by minute, they see images and hear messages of comparison, competition, and impossible expectations - whether from friends, social media, video games, or movies. 

This is one reason why Heartland Camps can make such a difference in a child's growth and faith! But, there are many other ways to create experiences as a family, outside of their camp-time, that will shake things up and revive our kids' hearts.

A refreshed and renewed spirit, full of fun and joy, is priceless. It is crucial to get out there as a family and create experiences that they'll remember for years to come, all while helping them focus on what matters most.

What God says...

Although it is sometimes easy to forget amidst the pressures of performing constantly and measuring up to those around us, our God does not put those things on us. He doesn't compare or compete. He loves us where right where we're at, and hopes only that we love Him, love others, and be joyful in the world He has created!

So let's remind our children of God's message of love, joy, faith, fun, and wonder, all while teaching them about the world around them, who they are in Jesus, and how to treat others. Go play, go do something unexpected and maybe even a little goofy with them, something that breaks the norm and sets aside the world's expectations!

Our favorite activities...

1. Picnic at the park. Pack your favorite foods and drinks for a picnic lunch at the park. Grab a blanket to relax on and a football to throw, and go have fun!

2. Go crazy with chalk. Head out to do the driveway and draw out your favorite Bible stories or family times together. Maybe have your kids leave some encouraging words in chalk for those who pass by!

3. Camp out in the backyard. Find a tent, blanket, and flashlight, and head out to the backyard. Try to locate all the constellations in the sky. Eat s'mores and make a bet on who can stay awake the longest!

Winter Specials

4. Create a family vision board. Go through magazines and photos to create a vision board together and hang it where the whole family can see it! Scavenge the outdoors to find pieces to add to your masterpiece as well. Talk about your dreams and goals, and how God will help you achieve them.

5. Game/trivia day. Okay, so this one isn’t outdoors, but you can do it outside the house! Bring your favorite game, (Heads Ups anyone?), to a local restaurant or Crack open your Bible and go to town on some trivia. There are even prepared Bible trivia games you can buy. Set a timer and go around in a circle quizzing each other on your favorite Bible stories. TIP: Hit up a restaurant that typically isn’t as busy, or go during their slower hours.

And of course, if you're looking for a dedicated camp experience for your kids, contact us to learn about our day and overnight camp options for summer 2019!