Heartland Christian Camps

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We LOVE Thursdays!

Thursdays are the best. By this time in the week, your campers have no doubt become an expert on all things camp. If they are returners, they have been reminded of why they came back, and if it was their first time here, they are probably already thinking about their next camp adventure. By Thursday, a cabin of campers has become a family. Through shared meal times, studying the Word together, braving mosquitos and zip lines, those who were strangers at the beginning of the week have now become family. Our prayer is that by their fourth night, your children have experienced the most impactful part of coming to camp- belonging.

"God has made the body so more care is given to the parts that need it most. This is so the body will not be divided into parts. All the parts care for each other."

-1 Corinthians 12:24-25

One of the most important things we strive to give our campers at Heartland is a taste of what it truly means to be a part of the body of Christ. We rejoice with one another, we support one another, and we give praise through it all. With every conquered fear and answered prayer, our campers are met with a high five or an encouraging word. We hope this is something all of our campers will seek to replicate at home, with their friend circles, and in their classrooms.