Heartland Christian Camps

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Work Camp—Week 7

The first evening at work camp, we talked about times when we have been in wonder, whether that was an extravagant landscape, the ocean, or the Grand Canyon. Briefly, I shared a time when I counseled work camp and a camper began to ask me about my family and what I liked to do at home. I was in such awe by this simple moment that me feel important and known, just as God feels about us. We all have the ability to bring wonder to the world by loving others like Christ loves us. 

Since then, I have had a moment each day with various campers who have made me feel loved by asking a question or checking in on a fellow camper. I think this is beautiful because to make one feel known and loved comes from the Spirit. I love experiencing our Creator in this way through our campers. 

Kelly Voigt, Week 7 Work Camp Director