Heartland Christian Camps

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Challenge Camp—Week 8

Hello Challenge Camp parents!

Your kids have been having a blast at camp this week! So far, we have had some AWESOME team bonding time, and we have come up with a CRAZY cool team name: the Flaming Monkeys. Get ready to hear all about our crazy stories because we are definitely the talk of the town here at camp!

Our challenges have been nonstop since you dropped your camper off! Here, we have been challenging ourselves to make lots of campfires, cook lots of food, go swimming, and play lots of games all day long!

ALSO, this week, we have been learning a ton about God and how he can always help us through any challenges that will arise in life! Our verse for the week is, "No trial has overtaken you that others do not face. And God is faithful: He will not let you be tried beyond what you can bear, but with the trial will also provide a way out so that you may be able to endure it." 1 Corinthians 10:13. Our campers love to remind themselves of this verse as they go through the challenges throughout our week together!

- Brett Wainwright,
Challenge Camp Director