Heartland Christian Camps

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Challenge Camp—Week 8

Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, “If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.”  Well, we are challenging ourselves in so many ways at Middle School Challenge Camp this week.  Later this week, we will climb 40’ rock-walls, walk across high-wires, and sail through the air among the treetops on a giant swing.  As of right now, we are cooking our own meals over the campfire and washing our own dishes. Yesterday, we made amazing breakfast burritos (few things taste better than bacon cooked over the campfire).    

Throughout the week we will continue to live out the challenge of what it means to be the Body of Christ both together and in the world.  Last night, at our evening vespers on the top of our climbing tower, we considered the 139th Psalm and asked, “What if God really is as personal and intimate as the psalmist describes?,” and “In what ways does this understanding challenge the way we think about God, ourselves, and others?   

I am so impressed by this group of middle schoolers.  They are bonding quickly and are encouraging and supportive of one another.  I think this is going to be a really special week. 

Dan Scheneman

Middle School Challenge Camp Director