Refund Policy
Please Navigate to the refund policy that fits your situation
#1 your camp has been canceled
If your camp has been canceled you have several options in regards to your camp payment:
Receive a full refund*
Apply your current payment as a credit for a program next year
Turn your refund (full or partial amount) into a donation to Heartland Camps**
#2 You want to cancel your child’s camp prior to two weeks before the first day of camp
If you’d like a refund you can always receive it in FULL, as long as you request a refund two weeks prior to the camp start date. Your refund options are as follows:
Receive your full refund*
Apply your current payment as a credit for a program next year
Turn your refund (full or partial amount) into a donation to Heartland Camps**
#3 You want to cancel your child’s camp less than two weeks before their camp start date.
You will not receive a refund if you decide to cancel two weeks or less prior to your child’s camp. In addition, the full balance will be due.
*As a not-for-profit ministry, we have limited cash reserves. Due to our current financial hardship we will be unable to disperse refunds until cash flow allows. We project refunds will likely be received this fall.
**If you choose to turn your refund into a donation, we will be sending out acknowledgements as quickly as possible.