Week 4: Music, Art, Dance, and Drama. We have it covered!

MADD camp has always had a special energy about it. This week at Middle School MADD, we have a unique opportunity where only one camper had previously been part of the camp and no one knew each other. This week has been full of new relationships; among friends and between ourselves and God.

We have pushed all our special activities to the beginning of the week so the next three days will be full of show preparation.  Monday morning, we started the week off with a trip to the corral for a horse ride.  Everyone rode and none of the horses misbehaved. As one of the campers commented, “I love riding horses because it is so calm and peaceful!” Later that day, we went to the archery range and found joy in shooting a card with 0 points on it. During our special swim on Tuesday morning, the kids delighted in running and flipping in the water walkers.  Wednesday morning, we hit the ropes course and challenged ourselves on continuous belay and zipline.

During downtime, and as we hike around camp, the creative gifts and interests of the campers always leads to entertaining games and activities. Several of the campers created a pool game involving acting out people/actions underwater. They love to play Telephone Pictionary, and Mumble.  It is common to burst into random jam sessions spouting the lyrics to their favorite songs, or making up songs or beats on the fly.  The Holy Spirit is so completely evident in this group of campers.

The campers are particularly excited about preparing our show for Friday night.  They have dubbed our planning times “creative sessions.” They are all showing the abundance of their gifts as we layout the show, and are eager to write a show depicting their interpretation of this week’s theme. I won’t give away any spoilers about the show, but I can assure you that you will not want to miss it!

From meal time, to pool time, and everything in between, these kids are thankful for every opportunity and attempt everything before them with no fear or hesitation. Thank you so much for sharing your precious children with us this week. They have all been called here this week to share their gifts in a way no one else can.

Peace, love, and joy be with you all,


MS MADD director