Calling all All Stars!


As you can imagine at All Star Camp we play a lot of sports. So far this week our campers have learned basketball, soccer, football, and water wiffleball. With most All-Star camps part of the learning experience is learning Christ-centered competition.

I am so proud of this group, because they didn’t have to learn how to care for one another in completion. Each camper is so joyful, kind, and compassionate.

Last night for example we had a camper who wanted to play on a specific team, but he was placed on the other team. One of our other campers saw this and without asking she volunteered to switch so that he could be on the team he hoped to be on. Those types of interactions have been the character of our group.

We have had lots of fun outside of sports as well. Today we went on the giant swing, with every camper trying out swinging through the air! In addition, tonight we are going to have a fort building party. We are going to build a fort on the porch of our cabin and play some of our favorite camp games by glow stick!


I am so grateful that I have gotten to spend the week with this amazing group of campers. We are excited to see you tomorrow!

Jared Briscoe, All-Star Director
