The Magic of The Camp Arc
and no we’re not talking about Noah’s. We’re talking an awe-inspiring reality our campers get to share.
What eases the awkwardness of new experiences?
We believe two things transform the awkwardness of new experiences and relationships into something joyfully holy.
Acknowledging God's constant support. God has a way of making our clumsy beginnings vital on the journey to our mountain tops.
Support from healthy and encouraging relationships. Think coach, friends, teacher, family members, etc.
Did one of your favorite life experiences look like this?
Called By Name
SIDE NOTE: One of our favorite things about Heartland is that kids come to camp like the disciples. Okay so they weren't fishing and Jesus wasn't there in person, but they do come from all over, some alone and some with a family member or close friend. Then our counselors call them by name as they leave for a new adventure.
In the beginning, a healthy relationship with God, a mentor, and/or yourself helped usher you from Awkwardville to a place of confidence and thriving. Then, YOU MADE IT TO THE MOUNTAIN TOP! But, before you knew it, your mountain top experience was coming to an end. So, you savored everything. Today, while you know this season has passed, you still treasure the lessons, memories, and relationships it gifted you.
This is the camper experience we witness every summer.
When your youth come to camp they may feel awkward at first.
FEARS START TO SET IN! HOW CAN WE ALL GET ALONG, WE'RE ALL SO DIFFERENT?! And as suddenly as these fears come, they leave. Because our counselors have now guided your child and their group to their home for the week while simultaneously building the foundation of their new adventure. From day one our counselors focus on building intentional relationships with our campers, modeling how God takes interest in us. So, as campers and counselors make their beds, play name games, and share their first meal, building relationships is at the heart of it all. This deliberate choice to connect and take interest in everyone starts to dissolve that awkward newness feeling.
Fast forward to Wednesday afternoon and this group of strangers feels a whole lot more like a group of friends. By Thursday OUR FAVORITE DAY, they feel like family. Why? They now have equity with one another, and really care for one another. This equity comes from, trust, powerful friendships, and their shared familial stinkiness. Here, campers find themselves as close to the kid God made them to be. It's a beautiful sight watching campers let down their walls and rejoice in the fruits of their “awkward first-day” labor. This time is also pretty fun because it typically involves LOTS of shaving cream. Friday is Thursday round two before our campers say farewell. While the end of the week carries sadness into each family group, campers find peace for several reasons.
With the end of every week, there's a growing understanding that this love isn't just at camp.
This is the just the beginning of some pretty amazing friendships.
God's love unites us all.
SO, THIS is the experience we call the camp arc, and we can't wait for your youth to be a part of it.