Posts in Your Camper's Blog
STEM in the Wild

We made our own ice cream…because we are all scientists, we may have accidentally made an ice cream volcano...and then let it explode!

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Scripture, Saddles & Sunscreen: Horse Camp Done Right

Your kids had fun this week, and that's a big part of what we do. We hammocked, went down slip and slides, made up word games, danced, sang, and pretended to be horses about 47 times.

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Riding Through Horse Camp Like...

This week at middle school Horse Camp, we have been able to experience God through learning about horses and ourselves. The campers were so excited to meet their horses for the week during horse class on Monday. Since then, we have had so many adventures both on and off the horses.

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Hydro camp has splashed through the first half of the week with water games, swimming, slip n slide, and so much more! 

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Work hard. Play Harder.

From the start of Day 1, the campers named their family group the “Shebergedergens” (super random!) and created a funny obsession with sheep sounds (but really just any silly sounds).

Their hard work is paired with good conversation, silly songs, and fellowship that has created one of the most cohesive groups we have ever seen. 

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Week 10: Friendship Camp and Service Partnership

Our staff welcomed the Friendship campers to camp Tuesday morning and instantly they had 38 new friends, who even before they knew their name had told them they loved them. Unconditional love is what our staff learn about this week, they live it out with their campers showing them everyday, every hour , every minute what it really means to love someone.

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Week 10: Middle School Outpost

The campers have for sure honed their wilderness cooking skills this week. Sunday’s dinner was a great learning experience and since then things have only gotten better! We are now able to cook stir-fry, biscuits, scrambled eggs, and pork chops – all over a camp fire! 

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Week 9: Archery Camp

Just over the past few days I have seen growth in these children. Let’s face it, it has been hot and sticky and it’s not always easy to get along when you’re tired. But here is what I have seen: the kids have worked together to make meals on a campfire and clean up. They have been encouraging each other at the archery range.

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Week 9: Hydro Camp

Our group has bonded really quickly and it's so much fun to see how our campers take care of each other and include each other. This week, we have been learning about how God created each one of us for a purpose, and how much God loves each one of us.

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Week 9: Horse Camp

 They not only ride their horses, they groom them, tack them and learn about their care. They form bonds with these great big animals that are so very gentle. My favorite part of at the end of this week is seeing how they have learned from their horses.

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Week 8: Horsing Around with Horse Camp

Best of all, we've had the chance to take this time away from the hustle of our everyday lives and spend time learning about who God says that we are. We've read through scriptures and had a chance to talk through each theme, asking our questions and learning from one another

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Week 8: Living on the Edge with Edge Camp

It was great to see every camper eagerly engaged in the activity and working together to combine these ingredients which normally wouldn't share the same plate. Their small groups were as varied as their groceries, each camper brought their own unique flavors and textures to the meal.

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Week 7: Highlander Legends

This week has been full of questions, creativity and Disney sing-offs already. They enjoy brainteasers and riddles and challenging each other. I can't wait to see what the rest of the week brings--they are so fun and full of energy it's going to be an adventure!  God is good! 

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Week 7: All Stars

Our group is incredibly close knit. My favorite part of seeing them together is that they are great at vocalizing their appreciation of one another. That is rare in campers this age, so I appreciate how open they are with each other.

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Week 7: Senior High Leadership

Senior High Leadership is a camp program here at Heartland that is very dear to my heart. It is a week that provides space for young people to follow the example of Jesus in order to serve younger campers, staff, one another, and ultimately our Lord.

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Week 7: Horse Camp

This week at Horse Camp we have seen God working through our time spent with His beautiful creation. The campers have had daily interactions with the horses including time to groom them, make horse treats, learn to saddle and bridle, and of course, ride. Their daily rides are spent on different trails throughout Heartland and the campers have enjoyed seeing The Lord’s creation from a whole new perspective.

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Friday Overnight Finale!

Our theme for the week was “I am…”. Each day we focused on a different part of our identity that is rooted in Jesus Christ. At our morning Bible study and our nighttime worship, we discussed stories in the Bible that related to each theme and how to apply them practically in our lives.

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Week 5: Hydro Camp

The girls have been so engaged with the water theme, and they quickly picked up on our theme I Am. Through morning watch and vespers, we have discussed God's unique creation of each individual.

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Week 5: Senior High Night Owl

Our evening worships have been a highlight. By the light of a campfire we worship through song and listening to the Lord’s word.

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